Tom and Bill around 1984 as the sun sets in Chicago after a beautiful day on Fast Forward. Tom has been a friend for over 3 decades through thick and thin. |
Bill in Western Military Academy, Alton Illinois 1960 (Click on the 40th high school reunion desk above) |
As an extra on the movie set of "The Monitors" in the late 60's with Susan Oliver, Guy Stockwell and Larry Stroch. Bill is on the far right. |
Easy Rider long before the movie. Bill went through this phase in southern Florida. |
Tania and Bill during breaktime with Horace Monster around 1974 at the "Corperation Lounge' in Glen Ellyn Illinois. |
Katerina and Bill in 2000. |
Larry Storch (best known from the TV series "F-Troop) and Bill on the movie set of "The Monitors". |
Dr. C and Bill on Fast Forward in 1989 in Monore Harbor. |
The Dodge van which was Bills permanent residence in 1976 and 1977 through both Chicago winters. |
Collage of vacation January 2001 with the stars. The 3rd musical cruise was a lot of fun with only a few shortcommings. I wrote a review if you click on the dolphin. |
3 of Bills closest friends (left to right) Tom, Cass, Jody, Bill on vacation in Mexico 1999. |
Katerina and Bill in 2003 |
40th high school reunion in the summer of 2004 |