Tom and Bill around 1984 as the sun sets in Chicago after a beautiful day on Fast Forward.  Tom has been a friend for over 3 decades through thick and thin.
Bill and Tania in 1971
Bill in Western Military Academy, Alton Illinois 1960
(Click on the 40th high school reunion desk above)
As an extra on the movie set of "The Monitors" in the late 60's with Susan Oliver, Guy Stockwell and Larry Stroch. Bill is on the far right.
Easy Rider long before the movie.  Bill went through this phase in southern Florida.
Tania and Bill during breaktime with Horace Monster around 1974 at the "Corperation Lounge' in Glen Ellyn Illinois.
Katerina and Bill in 2000.
Larry Storch (best known from the TV series "F-Troop) and Bill on the movie set of "The Monitors".
Dr. C and Bill on Fast Forward in 1989 in Monore Harbor.
The Dodge van which was Bills permanent residence in 1976 and 1977 through both Chicago winters.
Collage of vacation January 2001 with the stars. The 3rd musical cruise was a lot of fun with only a few shortcommings.  I wrote a review if you click on the dolphin.
3 of Bills closest friends (left to right) Tom, Cass, Jody, Bill on vacation in Mexico 1999.
Katerina and Bill in 2003
40th high school reunion in the summer of 2004